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Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

If you need painful life then choose being Stay away from your wife


If- you- need- painful- life- then- choose- being- Stay -away- from- your -wife


If you need painful life then choose being stay away from your wife.

Foreign life is very painful. Separation and painful. Separation and pain are very painful. Only those who have experienced it know. The day he leaves his beloved home and goes abroad, from that day, no matter where you are, your inner heart is at home in that village.

This world is progressive. People become millionaires overnight, they run day and night on the path of progress because they have their wife and family with them. Progress is not big deal in this modern age, success is in our hands if we follow the principles of success life.

People living abroad don’t want to think too deeply. Their main idea is to live with family and have fan with their wife. Because they imagine staying with their family forever. They are dreaming. So in this article, if you need painful life then choose being stay away from your wife. It article is trying to this suggest to the new generation.

New Married

Wedding day is the happiest day of our life. It’s expensive to be happy. Our village elders say. After marriage or daughter-in-law and son after getting a job, he wakes up to make a new life for himself. Be that as it may, after marriage all those moments become happiness and joy for our life. It is a law of nature that all parents are ready to suffer for their children. All couples go to great lengths to make their family life successful.

My Experience

I got married at the age of 22. My job was in the city, far away from the village. Our couple used to stay together for one month a years. So I was able to stay with my wife for16 months while working in the Army for 16 years. Since there was no mobile no internet at that time, we used to sent message through postal letters ans exchange love. It was so painful and so funny. At that time, when a letter came once a month, this heart was so happy that it had no limit. Even if I read that letter continuously for a week, that desire would not disappear.

No one like to stay away from his wife and his family after marriage, it is a necessity of our poor life. The pain of distance between two hearts is very painful. Very sad. Which is the most difficult experience. Today these experiences are stories for new generation. After working for 10 years, the phone started in the village. Time have taken a huge leap.

After that we used to talk on the phone once a month. That too was such a fun moment that more then other will become a story now. After 16 years of my job, the internet came. Then time took a big leap.

I retired from the jab at 37 and started working abroad again. But now, with the facility of net and mobile, I felt much happier then before. I have worked abroad for 10 years. Still eating. Even now, I spend barely one month a year with my family. Finish my story.

There thing play a major role in making our life successful. Health, Education, Investing idea, we need to be perfect ion these three things and only then our life will be success.


Since I have a job in the Army and exercise regularly, It seem to be helping my life a lot to stay healthy. This alone is not enough, we should also have a healthy habit, healthy diet, healthy thing etc. But I feel that my job has helped me job has helped me a lot in staying healthy.


When I get a job, I focused more on the job so that I was busy with the job, but despite understanding the importance of education, I did not try to increase my education. When I have a little time, I miss my wife, write letters to her, imagine going on vacation and staying with my family, having fun, nothing else comes to my mind. So most of my time seems to be spent thinking about my wife and family. My reaction to failure and misery in life did not seem to be aimed at success, and did not seem to struggle for success. It is difficult to be successful in any field without education, but after understanding this, I got into the habit of always following behind. The great task of life is to go on vacation.

Investing Ideas

When we have knowledge, health, investing ideas and finally we start to succeed, then a successful life begins. We have to invest at least annually to maintain our experience, to increase our experience knowledge. When we get a better understanding of the investment idea. And only we can be successful. So even if we don’t have money, we should keep gathering good experience about investing ideas. Then when we get a chance to earn money we immediately become rich.

But this did not happen in my life and I had no habit of reading. Let’s not talk about education. Thinking that if he had a little time, he would go to the village and stay with his family. So I imagined spending most of the time with my wife and family.

Even today I look my friends. They are always busy on their mobiles. Either they are talking to wife or they are talking to girlfriend or they are playing games. They also sprnd most of their time talking with their wife. How do new ideas come? Always seems to be talking to his wife , he does not like to talk about health, knowledge, investing ideas.

It is better to call your wife and give time to your family, but you should think about your future also. Some people are forced to choose bad habits when they are away from their family and miss them a lot. So I right this article If you need painful life then choose being stay away from your wife.

  • Drink more alcohol

  • More angry

  • Making unwanted girlfriends

  • More also divorces

Not only that, you don’t have to talk to others in your family, you only talk to your wife. kids don’t care that much. Few children take care of their fathers living abroad. It is very painful.

He grows old while wanting to stay with his family. The house you build is old if you don’t live in it. His wife is getting old. She also gets sick from the great pain of separation. You cannot get results you want from your children. and their love cannot be found. Therefore, a person who takes a foreign job is mentally ill. He is not happy with himself.

He uses very little knowledge. He never get to live with his children, wife, parents, and family. Due to which he always feel alone, That’s why people working abroad look happy on the outside but feel sad on the inside.


In this article, our life is not happy because we miss our wife and our family more when we work away from our wife. It is trying to inform the new generation that our knowledge is not properly utilized and we become sick. That’s why in this article I said If you need painful life then choose being stay away from your wife.

Happy Married Life

Happy- Married -Life

Happy Married Life

All married couples want a happy married life, whether they are poor, rich, kings, or high-ranking, everyone wants their lives to be successful and marriage is a sure way to make a person's life successful.

Marriage is generally a reliable means of procreation.  Which is given as a gift by God to all beings born on this earth.  Everyone is happy with this action.  Which we all know.

So, all people try hard to make their married life successful.  But when both couples commit to each other, trust, respect, and support each other, then only a only possible happy married life.

No matter how much our society changes, and no matter how modern people are, the long and happy married life of husband and wife has its own importance.  However, married life is so happy and fun!  It cannot be explained, that married life is the happiest and funniest game in the world, no matter how much it hurts, it never lacks happiness in the heart.

Although it is easy to make a marriage relationship, it is difficult to maintain a marriage relationship.  Maintaining the warmth of a relationship is even more difficult.  A simple task is to connect.  Although it doesn't take a long time for the relationship to break up, in the beginning, the married life is very weak, so it can break easily, but it can also break the union relationship.  Therefore, our aim is to strengthen the marital relationship and maintain its strength and continuity.

Why are we getting married?  Because we need a life partner who will support us throughout our lives.  So that we can live happily.  A wife is a mother, she forgets her mother's hatred, she abandons her birthplace, and how much she has suffered to save this creation, cannot be described.

Women are Mother Earth, even if God gives up on her love, society cannot be imagined without them.  That is why the name of the woman is in the first place in human history. This human race is their contribution.  That is why it is said that where there is respect for women, God resides there. That is why women are always revered.

More People have many ideas, but most people have poor ideas.  During to which he has missed many opportunities in his life.  Why are you getting married?  What kind of girl do you like?  The answer is different according to your knowledge.  A wise person has a big idea, a fool has a short idea, and the demand of time is different.

My friends say I need a good girl, my brother says I need an educated girl, my uncle says I need a rich girl, and my aunt says I need a hardworking girl.  However, many people say they want a beautiful girl, some like tall, some don't like tall, some want younger, some need old, and anyone needs white?  Someone needs black, someone needs the same as him.

All these are selfish things, in fact, if one chooses a life partner who will make his life successful then he will definitely be successful.  Life is not easy, and women don't want to spend their lives with men weaker than them, it's their culture.  That is their tradition.

After all, all women are lovely and beautiful for their husbands.   After getting his wife's sweet love then he will start hard work for his family's future.  Therefore, all things are not possible without a wife.  if we go to a single man's house then we will be not feeling good. They are the beautiful flowers of the house.  Without her, the house becomes empty, so the more you can love her, the more you can enjoy her, that's why everyone loves their wife the most.  This rule applies to both men and women.

Marriage is the beginning of a person's success.  Many years ago, it was customary for a man to win a battle and win a beautiful woman.  Which we have already read in the book.  Therefore, all these things are customs that have been going on since ancient times.  They have a lot of fun in marriage. They spend.  And he rejoices in the biggest success of his life.  This has been a tradition since ancient times.

Indeed, a woman starts hard-working after marriage, which cannot be explained.  That's why the elders of our village say that after a woman gets married after a man gets a job, they start hard working.  This is the law of nature.

But there is definitely something different in this modern age. In this world, married life, politics, business, all things, the main three elements that make it successful have been added.  They are, education, health, and investing ideas (budget), if we work keeping these things in mind, success is in our hands.  If we don't succeed, our children will succeed, if our sons and daughters don't succeed, our grandsons will succeed, so eventually everyone in this world will succeed.

Keep each other in your hearts at all times, and maintain a positive attitude toward one another, as you have always been doing. It gives a lifetime of happiness, so the wedding is a one-in-a-lifetime event, it connects between husband and wife and is the most beautiful in the world. So real love is always demonstrated to the world that genuine love never fails. marriage being happy, Joyful, romantic, and successful every is filled with romance cuddles and a lifetime of pleasure. It is beginning an exciting new chapter in your lives, it makes the most of each day and shows one another how much you care about them, and then your love continues to grow for one another.        

Divorce- Divorce is a very sad matter for married couples which legally ends the relationship between two couples.

Marriage is a bond in which there is great power in the future of that married couple.  When people break up after two years of a marriage that they have done by their own will, how much will the married couple feel uncomfortable?

But this divorce system is also the demand of the new generation.  If there is no good relationship between the two couples or if the two couples always fight over some issue between them, they choose the path of divorce.

If we read our human history, there we can learn a lot of knowledge and foundations to make married life successful. People in the past used to endure any kind of suffering to make their married life successful. That tradition is still applicable in the society.

There can be many reasons for divorce, new reasons can also appear, but especially lack of commitment between both couples, more fights, more hifi, too young marriage, unnatural expectations, lack of relationship, lack of preparation for marriage, etc.
So, we need to take a long-term view of marriage.  Which does not lead us to deviate from the problems and challenges we are facing.  The nature of human love can also change over time and become better.

Unfortunately, divorce is a common aspect of today's society. Everyday people file for divorce at their local courthouse. Our wrong reasons, finances, being out of touch, different priorities and interests' bad habits, not having a shared vision of success. Unhealthy, jobless, education, unsuccessful. etc reasons make us get divorced.                                                                                                                                               Marriage - Marriage is the most precious and unique of all of these ties founded entirely on love, trust respect, and companionship formed when two people from different families, and often different cultural and linguistic origins vow to stay together through the ups and downs. 

So, it is a successful game in our life, what type of woman are you like please choose before marriage but after marriage close this chapter, and if your wife is black, white, nice, no nice all are nothing so don't worry about that. life is enjoyable so must be a struggle. your wife is like your mother, you know everyone like his mother nobody likes to change his mother. 

 So, all women are beautiful, sweet hurt, and lovely. And if we deep love for her she will be happier with you. love is enjoyment, love is knowledge, and love is power so must love your wife. love is like your food, if you eat food then your whole body remains the same, if your wife loves to you will start hard work in your family's future so without marriage people are not successful after marriage you need a child, a child makes happy in your family.

Children are like you invest. Time is very expensive please must be used, so after married you are happy then please improve your education, improve your health, start increasing your income source, and start investing. 

Money knowledge and health are back backbone of your successful life. If you are unsuccessful then your wife does not see her future, and then she divorces you. This rule affects both couples so if your husband joins a job then your wife starts a business if your wife joins a job then your husband starts a business.

you are the most beautiful couple I believe your couple may your love grow stronger and stronger during your married life. Congratulations on a happy married life 

Colourful Nepali wedding 

Marriage is a religious or social act that establishes the relationship of husband and wife between a man and a woman.  According to their religion, caste and geography, the method of marriage is different.

While writing the article of happy marriage life, I remembered our human culture and tradition. Our tradition and culture is rich in itself and complete in itself.

Our religion, culture and traditions have a great role in bringing this world to this state.  This is a tradition that has been going on for thousands of years.  If we protect it, our life becomes easy.

Today, in the name of modernity, when people forget their traditions and religion, their lives have become incomplete and they have to face unnecessary problems.

10 Things to Consider Before Getting Married

1.       Compatibility:

2.       Communication:

3.       Finances:

4.       Family Dynamics:

5.       Conflict Resolution:

6.       Shared  Goals:

7.       Personalities:

8.       Lifestyle Choices

9.       Emotional Support:

10.   Long–Term Vision:

Success life


Success- life


Success Life

The steps of success life is depend on our individuals' goals, this is without destination journey, setting our goal to improve our career so if you have vision plan agenda in your future then you will be success. if you think of success as doing well at work or earning a high salary than your professional goals, achieving goal is powerful and effects our success. Success concept that is different for every person. If we ask thousand peoples to what is success? we will probably get a thousand different answers. So, success is your sweet, hardworking, knowledge, romantics accepted result. So, if you understand this is very easy and enjoy also.

The Greek Philosopher, Aristotle, defined a success life as living in a way that aligns with your purpose. So, if you’re an artist and you make art, you’re successful. If you’re a dancer and you dance or a scientist and you do research, you’re successful. In other words, as long as you are moving through the world in a way that is true to you, you’re successful. You get to decide what you want out of life, what your personal values are, and what success looks like for you.

I like to right here little success principal which make you easily success in your life.

·Hard working




Hard working

We know hard working is very famous word if we hard work we will be success this is mother principal. But how to start hard working ,how to built hard working , and how to make hard working habit this is must important ? but if deep thinking and compare your friend and family then this is vary easy because when you start hard working from home, school, collage, office, and every in your moment then you will built hard working habit then you will hit your target. Without hard work not possible to success.


Health is most important to in our life if we didn’t healthy then we didn’t make vision plan agenda in our future so without health life is nothing and if we don’t care to our health that is very expensive for us because if our health no good then more difficult to hard work and without hard work difficult to success. So, if you have time must be care to health, join physical every day eat healthy food and follow dieting calculate your calorie. So, maintaining good health is crucial for achieving success in life. It allows us to have the energy, focus, and resilience needed to pursue our goals and dreams effectively. Remember to prioritize your physical and mental well-being along your journey to success.


Education plays a significant role in helping individuals achieve success by providing knowledge, skill, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. It can indeed lead to knowledge, and knowledge can contribute to making money. However, while money can provide certain opportunities and comforts, success is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond just financial wealth. Success can encompass personal fulfilment, meaningful, relationships, a sense of purpose, and contributions to society.

Education can empower individuals to acquire skills, expertise, and a deeper understanding of various subjects, which can open doors to better career opportunities and potentially higher earning potential. However, it’s important to remember that success is not solely determined by monetary wealth. It also involves factors like personal growth, well-being, and making a positive impact on the world around you. So without knowledge our future is nothing so that we need must be improve our knowledge then we will be success.


We know budget is everything knowledge, wisdom, and courage can indeed contribute to one's ability to generate income and manage money effectively. Knowledge wisdom enable individuals to make informed decisions, identify opportunities, and navigate challenges in their personal and professional lives. Having a deep understanding of various subject can lead to innovative ideas, better problem-solving skills, and the ability to create value in different ways. Courage is essential for taking calculated risks, pursuing new ventures, and stepping out of one's comfort zone. It can lead to bold decisions that have the potential to result in financials gains and personal growth. When these qualities are combined, they can play a crucial role in achieving financial success and making sound financial choices. However, It's important to note that while knowledge, wisdom, and courage are important factors, there can be other external factors and circumstances that also influence financial outcomes. so, developing strong investing habit can certain contribute to financial success for many individuals. Effective investing involves making informed decisions, managing risk, and leveraging opportunities to grow one's wealth over time.

We have learned about the four things that make our life easy, hard work, health, education, budget, which we have read above. What do we need to understand now? People should always continue these four things, because time is precious, it does not wait for anyone, therefore, in order to get success in life, we should give continuity to these 4 things, which belong to us. If it is possible, these 4 things should be carried forward simultaneously, if time supports us, we should give continuity to what we get.

Because some may be busy with their jobs, some may be busy with their physical and sports. Some may be busy in their studies, some may be busy in their business, but looking at all these things as a whole, all these things are money.

Therefore, if we spend our free time working hard to become hard working, this hard-working habit will help us to succeed in any of our plans. If we make good use of our free time, do different scale development training, or always work hard in our spare time, keep our body healthy, and continue our education, one day we will easily become a successful person.

So, don't waste our precious time. This time is valuable. If we have used our time properly, we will easily succeed one day.

This article is very important for our life. Well, we should read all the articles, if it helps to make our life successful and we know, our age increases mean our problems increase and our value decreases, so, we use our knowledge, health, investing ideas, hard work. etc., we should increase our value, increasing our value means making our life successful.

Success people

Among the many ways to create Success life, studying about successful people is an important way. Because they have successful habits. If only we could make our habits like those habits or any, we do what they do. We will be more successful. You can't climb to ladder of success with your hands in your pocket. So must be follow success people habit.

Habit of success people

  1. Setting goals.

  2. They take Responsibility for their life.

  3. They have Great self-discipline.

  4. They are obsessed with self-development.

  5. They read a lot. 

  6. They manage their time well.

  7. They take risks.

  8. They keep going when they suffer failure and setbacks.

  9. They find a way to win.

  10. They do what they love.

Setting goals

   What you want to achieve is called a gold. Our success is directly related to our goal. Everyone says that you should aim big. But it depends on people's knowledge, wisdom, courage, age, Health, and experience.

    So, if you love your family, you become a father, if you love your office, you become office, InCharge, if you love your country, you become a politic leader, if you love the world, you become a scientist.

They take responsibility for their life.

   They are taking responsibility for one’s life is a hallmark of success. It involves owning up to one’s actions, choices, and outcomes, and being proactive in shaping one’s future. Successful people understand that they have the power to influence their circumstances and are willing to accept both the challenges and rewards that come with it.

They have great self-discipline

    Self – discipline plays a major role in achieving any goal. It focuses people to be loyal and persistent towards their goals. In fact, self -discipline is also an important trait among successful people. It enables them to stay focused on their actions and overcome obstacles along the way. By practicing self -discipline, they can effectively manage their time, resources and energy to maximize productivity, and achieve their desired results.

They are Obsessed with self-development.

Self development plays a crucial role in personal growth and success. By continuously improving ourselves physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, we enhance our capabilities and increase our chances of achieving our goals. Successful individuals often prioritize self-development because they understand its importance in reaching their full potential. The enthusiasm and dedication we put into self- improvement can indeed accelerate our journey towards success.  

They read a lot.

Many people think of success as a game of luck and circumstance. They do not want to understand about studies. Thay think Reading is considered a very difficult task. If we don’t study about business, job, politics we can’t get success everywhere.

But successful people have a different idea. They understand the power of knowledge. However, if we want to achieve success, we must first read about successful people. We should read daily to uncover new ways of thinking to develop our perspectives.

That is why successful people have made a daily habit of reading. They are always hungry for reading. Reading books means broadening knowledge. This is the most effective way to improve life.

They take risk.

Successful people take risk and Understand the importance of risk. If we get into the habit of eating sweet food, we get sick quick. If you choose the easy way, will never achieve success in life. If we look at every major achievement in our human history. Everything like business, science, medicine, sports, etc. is the result of a courageous spirit.

Little, more will be in place but without risk not possible to success. Henri File would not have invented the auto mobile if he had heeded his critics. so successful people take risks but don’t take mindless. They tend to calculate risks so they succeed easily.

They keep going when they suffer failure and setbacks.

Every wound makes a person stronger, failure creates enthusiasm and Vigor to learn. Success people learn more from their failures then from their successes. Therefore, if we research the stories of successful people in any field.

We will know that all people are facing various difficulties, tensions. Etc. in the beginning. Only when they solve it and move forward are people successful. So when successful people face failure and adversity, they move on.

They find way to win.

To make our life successful we need to find successful path first. Something that successful people understand very well. They are practicing how to win by comparing their life to a fun game.

They wake up in the morning and start looking for a way to win. They believe in their will power. In the game of our life, We can win by increasing knowledge, wisdom and courage.

They do what they love.

When doing something you like, you don’t know the time has passed, so people stick to it for a long time and when they see their future in it, they are excited to learn everything from small things. success is not a big deal when people are motivated.

That is why successful people find something they love and focus their whole heart and mind on it, thus achieving unexpected success.


Every one life will be success and very expensive also because Life is God special gift so that everyone makes different – different nice story in his during life. And every one experience knowledge make hero to them make success to them.

Success life is different for everyone. So, the way you define success may change according to your knowledge. Because, along with our knowledge, our purpose also increases, therefore, small knowledge has a small purpose, big knowledge has a big purpose, it is important to live a successful life, we must first understand what is success for us?

What do we really want from life? Only after we know what we are aiming for, do we create a visualization plan to help us live our lives, and start implementing policies and strategies such as tagging our progress, a clear vision of success and effective strategies to achieve it. Combination, our best life, is the way to live.
So if we take a big goal, take continuous steps, correct your mistakes, be interested in learning new things, associate with positive and supportive people, believe in yourself, then success can be easily achieved, keeping these things in mind, apply them in your daily life. if done by including, success can be achieved easily.

Success often hinges on effectively managing your time, seizing opportunities, dreaming big, envisioning your goals, maintaining discipline, fostering a positive outlook, believing in yourself, and acknowledging the power of something greater than yourself.Check here for releted contain.

Finally, don't forget to answer this question, thank you.

  1. What is more important, money or health? 




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